Continuous Line Sketch of Aloha Tower

My colleague "noticed" that during meetings, I'm either on Facebook or sketching.  That's not true, I don't always sketch.  Haha.  Here's Aloha Tower for you.

Oh, and if anyone can tell me how you are snapping photos (from a cell phone - lighting, flash, etc.) so that the resulting snapshot doesn't turn out so dark, please, do tell.  


  1. Mattattack. Nice sketch, yo!

    For phone pictures I use a flash (but the problem w/ this is that it usually only blasts one area w/ light) if I need more light. I also have a ton of photo editing apps that I use, they can be used to lighten it too. (Not sure if this helps you at all...)

  2. Awww shweet! What apps are these?

  3. Camera+ !!!! It's the BEST photo editor app. It's like 1.99 and I use it constantly. You'll see. You'll all see!

  4. Oh, oops forgot to mention I LOVE THAT SKETCH! Very cool, Matto!


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